University at Albany MBA for Executives Online Info Session

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Name: University at Albany MBA for Executives Online Info Session
Date: August 15, 2025
Time: 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM EDT
The 2013 cohort poses in front of the Taj Mahal during their 2012 international trip to India.
Event Description:

This online session provides an in-depth look at:

* The value of completing an executive-level MBA program to your career

* The benefits of choosing the high-quality MBA for Executives Program at the dual AACSB-accredited University at Albany Massry School of Business

* How you can successfully incorporate our part-time EMBA program into your demanding career and family responsibilities

* The real investment value of our program compared to other executive-level MBA options in New York

Join us to learn how our immersive and transformative part-time MBA for Executives Program can help you develop distinct skills and abilities, sharpen existing ones, and open doors to new and exciting opportunities (some of which you may not have known even existed!).

To make it easier for you to pursue an MBA degree, we are offering scholarships to those chamber members who apply for and are admitted into our program for Fall 2025. This solidifies our spot as the value leader among executive-level MBA programs in New York State.

If you are interested in learning how our executive-level MBA degree can help you unlock a whole new world of possibilities, then plan to attend an online program information session!

You can also contact Program Director Don Purdy directly at or at 518.956.8381 if you have questions or would like additional information.

Event Media:
Date/Time Information:
Friday, August 15, 2025, 9:00 a.m.
Contact Information:
Don Purdy, Program Director
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