Kathy Lemieux with KeyBank in Cohoes is sponsoring a fantastic workshop: Build Your Brand Grow Your Business on Friday May 17th from 8:30 am to 10:30 am at the Connect Center in Cohoes.
Register here: https://bit.ly/3JJu7Z2
Gregory Gershamn will be speaking for Salesium, along with Dan Dinsmore of Overit. Drop by our sites to learn more about us and why we can help, https://salesium.com and https://overit.com
If you have ever struggled to reach your sales goals, or just plain want to get your unfair share this is for you. Registration is free, all we ask is you bring a donation of school supplies for the Connect Center's summer programs.
Contact Kathy Lemieux: kathleen_lemieux@keybank.com Items Request for Donation: Notebooks (Spiral or Composition) Pens (blue or black ink) Pencils Pencil Sharpeners Flashcards Tissues (packages) Binders Folders Packs of loose leaf paper