Advance Albany County Alliance Seeks Business Input

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September 08, 2021
The Advance Albany Country Alliance needs business input. AACA is conducting a business survey.
The mission is to understand the needs of Albany County businesses and support them to thrive and grow here. Through surveys like this, and scheduled business visits, over time we will: 
  • CONNECT with the business community 
  • UNDERSTAND needs of businesses
  • IDENTIFY pervasive problems or trends
  • REPORT findings from the data
  • RESPOND with resources and information
  • ENGAGE for ongoing projects and initiatives  
  • TRACK trends over time
We want to hear from you. How can we help your business?
AACA collaborates with public, private and nonprofit interests to create robust economic opportunity for ALL residents. AACA achieves this by diversifying Albany County’s economy through the growth, expansion and attraction of business activity, promotion of strategic infrastructure projects and the active promotion of Albany County as a business-friendly location.
Lucas Rogers, BRE Program Manager, 518-447-5566